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Shengjing Financial Holding Group held a work meeting to promote the deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform

Release time: 2024-05-30 Page Views: 6376

On May 29, Shengjing Financial Holding Group held a work meeting to promote the deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform。The meeting conveyed the spirit of learning the Municipal Party Committee's financial work conference and interpreted the group's reform deepening and upgrading action plan。At the same time, summarize the work since the beginning of this year, analyze the shortcomings of the current group gap, and deploy the key tasks in the next stage。

Xu Dong, Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the group, made work deployment on the theme of "Duxing Hard work and Innovation striving to build a regional leading and domestic first-class comprehensive investment holding Company"。Xu Dong said that since the beginning of this year, Shengjing Financial Holding has earnestly implemented the work requirements of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, anchored the overall goal of building a national central city, focused on the comprehensive revitalization of the new breakthrough three-year action arrangement, and effectively promoted the landing of various work。As of the end of April, the total operating income and profit increased by nearly 20% and 10%, respectively, with steady progress and quality in all work, laying a solid foundation for the successful completion of the annual work tasks。

Xu Dong required that all units of the group should focus on the indicator tasks, firmly grasp the programmatic work that affects the overall situation, and creatively promote the landing of various works。First, focus on projects and seek breakthroughs。Focus on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, the forward-looking layout of future industries, and the 20 key industrial chains and 10 key industrial clusters in our city to invest and attract investment。The second is to focus on service and strong support。Do a solid job in financing guarantee, debt investment and factor market services, constantly give full play to the price discovery and financing functions of finance, and serve the "financial control as".。Third, grasp the numbers and build advantages。Closely related to the three main functional positioning of "Shenyang public data authorization operation, digital industry cultivation and digital Shenyang construction main body", continue to consolidate the data chassis, accelerate the application of "data factor X" typical scenarios, and improve the supply of data factor resources。Fourth, focus on key issues and prevent risks。The concept of risk prevention and control runs through every business link, the activation of the recovery should be a long time, the safety of production should be unremitting, and the alertness of "sleeping with your eyes open" should exhaust the hidden problems, and resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of safety accidents。Fifth, we will build the Party and promote reform。深入学习领会习近平总书记重要讲话和指示批示精神,抓好党纪学习教育,让党员、干部知敬畏、存戒惧、守底线,持续涵养风清气正的政治生态。

Xu Dong pointed out that it is necessary to establish and practice the correct concept of achievements, and put the strategic deployment into action and see the results step by step。First, we must pay close attention to the implementation of the work, so that the "first time" to move, the "first responsibility" to implement, so that the "first persistence" to the end, the "first unity" with the team。Second, it is necessary to strengthen investigation and research, adhere to the goal orientation, problem orientation, results orientation, and effectively transform the research results into practical measures to solve problems and improve work。The third is to be sure to temper excellent skills, adhere to practice to temper talents, implement high standards and strict requirements, enhance the ability to resist corruption and change, practice "a few brushes", and achieve the leap from "want to do" to "do things"。Fourth, we must strengthen innovation and development, carry out research on key issues in business innovation, product innovation, service innovation, scientific and technological innovation, and management innovation, and continue to promote value creation。

Xu Dong stressed that it is necessary to improve the tracking mechanism and take effective measures to promote the implementation of the group's various work deployments。First, it is necessary to clarify responsibilities, clarify the responsible person, timetable, task book and road map, and form a list of goals, tasks and responsibilities。The second is to strengthen supervision, and do weekly scheduling, monthly notification, quarterly research and judgment, and annual assessment for key work, and improve the supervision mechanism。The third is to strictly reward and punish, to be able to make, ordinary people let, mediocre people under, the removal of the inferior, let want to do the opportunity, will do the stage, do the status。

Members of the group leadership team, team members of each subsidiary, and all employees of the group headquarters attended the meeting。